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MicroPort EP Attends 5th Longcheng Cardiology Conference

2016-09-05 09:48:00      Views:

Taiyuan, China- Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP") recently attended the 5th Longcheng Cardiology Conference held from September 2 to September 4 in Taiyuan of Shanxi Province. The conferenceoffered the latest technology, concept and idea in the cardiovascular fieldwith academic lectures and procedure broadcasting, and invited domestic andinternational experts to deeply investigate into the current status of cardiovascular diseases. 

During theconference, MicroPort EP was the only company to exhibit equipment,with its Columbus 3D EP Navigation System ("Columbus")and FireMagic Irrigated Ablation Catheter ("FireMagic") on display. It was the first appearance of the domestically made, magneticpositioning 3D navigation system in Shanxi Province. Many attendees wereattracted to visit our booth and inquire for product information. Severalexperts, including Prof. Xuewen Li, Chairman of the conference and Director ofCardiovascular Department of Shanxi Dayi Hospital of Shanxi Academy of MedicalSciences, also visited MicroPort EP booth to experience thedomestically made 3D navigation system for the first time with great interest,and expressed their expectation to see more domestically madeelectrophysiological devices to benefit the patients. 

Columbus is the first domestically developed 3D EP navigation system that features realtime electromagnetic device tracking with cardiac motion compensation. It isdesigned for the diagnosis and treatment of complex arrhythmias. With the helpof MicroPort EP's FireMagic that shows precise locationsof the catheter curve in the body, Columbus offers vivid 3Dsimulation of the catheter deflectable segment and accurate geometricreconstruction of intra cardiac chambers, which provides physicians with acomprehensive solution for the radiofrequency ablation treatment of complexarrhythmias. Both Columbus and FireMagic have obtainedapproval from China Food and Drug Administration and officially entered theChina market. In the future, MicroPort EP will continue toinnovate, and strive to realize the company vision of "providing acomplete solution with combination of active and passive device and equipment,and becoming the industry leader in the field of cardiac electrophysiology andablative diagnosis and treatment."

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