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MicroPort EP Obtains ANVISA Approval for EasyFinder™ 3D Steerable Curve Diagnostic Catheter and EasyLoop™ 3D Circular Mapping Catheter

2022-07-11 09:21:00      Views:

Brasilia,Brazil——Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP") obtained the regulatory approval by Brazil ANVISA for its independently developed EasyFinder™ 3D Steerable Curve Diagnostic Catheter and EasyLoop™ 3D Circular Mapping Catheter.


EasyFinder™ 3D Steerable Curve Diagnostic Catheter is an electrophysiological mapping catheter with steerable shaft. The distal part of catheter is designed with a series of electrodes with certain distance. The catheter is used in conjunction with EP recording system for cardiac electrophysiological examination and cardiac electrical signal mapping during EP procedure.


EasyLoop™ 3D Circular Mapping Catheter can be used for intracardiac electrophysiological mapping to map and record electrical signals in pulmonary veins, and can also be used for rapid atrial anatomy modeling when used in conjunction with the Columbus™ 3D EP Navigation System and Columbus™ External Reference Patch.


The approval of the EasyFinder™ 3D Steerable Curve Diagnostic Catheter and EasyLoop™ 3D Circular Mapping Catheter by Brazil ANVISA enriches and improves MicroPort EP product line in Brazil,which lays a solid groundwork for the company’s further exploration in South America market.


In the future, MicroPort EP will continue to build a differentiated product portfolio and expand its global reach, offering comprehensive solutions for diagnosis and therapy of EP interventions for doctors and patients worldwide. 

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