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MicroPort EP Successfully Performed First 3D Case in Switzerland

2022-12-01 10:44:00      Views:

Zurich, Switzerland ——Recently,the electrophysiologists in Swiss Ablation used Columbus™ 3D EP Navigation System (Columbus™ System) and FireMagic™ 3D Irrigated RF Ablation Catheter which made from Shanghai MicroPort EP MedTech Co., Ltd. ("MicroPort EP") to successfully complete the first Zero-Fluoroscopy Slow-Pathway Ablation Case.


The physician team has mentioned that the ease and speed of the Columbus™ System based 3D-mapping of the RA, the CS and the proximal RV was impressive – likewise the accuracy of defined electrophysiological key points like His, RBB, slow-pathway and crucial tricuspid valve dimensions.


Also, the high quality of the EP-recording signals seamlessly supports in a unique way the acquisition of the 3D-Map. RF-delivery was reliable and effective and the FireMagic™ 3D Irrigated Ablation Catheter maneuverability proved to be state of the art.


“This approach clearly shows the potential of the Columbus™ 3D EP Navigation System to replace fluoroscopy image guidance in EP-procedures. I am really looking forward to see the integration and visualization of more EP-catheters in the system to enhance the usability for even more complex procedures”, said Dr. Zerm.


To date, over 30,000 procedures have been performed worldwide using Columbus™ System, the products and services of MicroPort EP are available in more than 20 countries in Europe, Oceania, Africa, South America and Asia. MicroPort EP will continue to focus on innovation and development, offering world-class comprehensive solutions for electrophysiological interventions so that more patients enjoy a healthy life.

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